Complete 2001 Newsletters Now On Line


Bill Connelly

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<font face="Arial" size="2">Club Members, particularly those who may have recently joinedthe Amphicar Family, shouldbe pleased to learnthat the complete run of the Club's 2001 Newsletters are now availablethrough the Club website's"Members Area". To log in, either click the"Members Area" button on the Club's home page, orvisit follow the directions. If you'rereally a Clubmember it will be a snap.</font>
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<font face="Arial" size="2">Speaking of which, it's really that time again: If you have not alreadyjoined or renewed for 2002,please do so now. Consider the fact that everywhenever-I-get-around-to-it late registrationreceived after the first issue of the year's Newsletters goes out makesunnecessary extra work for the Prez andwastesother Club resources...<u>YOUR</u> resources.To join or renew, or for moreinfo, see</font>
<font face="Arial" size="2"></font>
<font face="Arial" size="2">~Bilgemaster~</font>

Marc Schlemmer

--- In amphicar-lovers@y..., "Bill Connelly" <billiam@e...> wrote:
> Speaking of which, it's really that time again: If you have not
> already joined or renewed for 2002, please do so now. >
> ~Bilgemaster~

Bill is indeed right. We are looking to end 2001 with 294 members!
A quick glance back at the membership records from March of 2001 the
Club had 208 members. 2001 has seen wonderful growth in the fact, we are bigger and stronger than ever before - truly
a "Member Run" Club. If you are not currently a member, or have let
your membership fade away in past years, why not give the Club a
try. It really is a great way to be part of the Amphicar world. And
at $25 per year (US/Canada/Mexico) and $30 per year (all other
locations) it is a great deal.
And remember...ALL of the membership dues are put right to use for
the Members. Every last penny.

Consider joining the'll be glad you did!
Marc Schlemmer.