Bill Connelly
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Mike's recent posting concening "Wheel Brake Cylinder Rebuilding" made me think that I had perhaps seen something in one of the Club Newsletters on that very topic. Turns out I was wrong, but also that I now had only the foggiest notion of all of the various topics that have been covered in the Newsletters over the years, even though I had actually typed up the contents myself of each and every Newsletter for the website's "Newsletters Archive" found in the Members Only Area at http://www.amphicar.com/goodies/newsletters.htm (login required).
So for the record, attached below is a quick and sloppy cross-referenced index of Tech Topics covered in all the Newsletters from 2001 to present. All of these Newsletters are available to current Club Members in their full and original versions in the "Members Only Area" of the website as PDF documents. The links below will bring one to the exact issues in question, but a current username and password will be required to view them. The current username and password are found in the most recent issue of the Club's Newsletter. What's that? You say you're <u>not</u> a current Club member and don't have a recent Newsletter?Well then, you'd better click here first.
<font size="2"></font>
P.S. In case you do not see any links, it just means that your Amphicar-Lovers user preferencesare set to receive postings in "plain text" formatinstead of HTML. If that's the case, just cut-n-paste this link into your web browser...
<font size="2"></font>
<div align="center"><font size="2">http://www.escribe.com/automotive/amphicar/search.html?query=hunnybuns</font>
<font size="2"></font>
...and then you canview this message with all of its links in the List Archives,Hunnybuns.
<font size="2"></font>
<font size="2">-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=</font>
<font size="2">OF </font><font size="2">THE </font><font size="2">INTERNATIONAL AMPHICAR OWNERS CLUB</font>
<font size="2">January 2001 to January 2005</font>
<font size="2"></font>
Aftermarket Bilge Pump by Billy Syx (May/June 2001)
Alternator Conversion (January/February 2003)
Amphicar Creations and Improvements by Rob Vondracek (November/December 2003)
Amphicar Depth/Fish Finder by Paul Lalewicz (March/April 2004)
Amphicar Oil Change Tip & Right Hand Drive Car VIN Information (May/June 2002)
Axles (see: "Rear Axle Safety")
Bilge Blower Timer Circuit Retrofit (March/April 2003)
Bilge Pump (see: "Aftermarket Bilge Pump")
Boogie Board (see: "Waterskiing with a Boogie Board)
Celina Sunday Tech Session Topics (November/December 2004)
Changing Oil (see: "Amphicar Oil Change Tip & Right Hand Drive Car VIN Information")
Cylinder Head Nuts/Valve Rocker Clearance (March/April 2002)
Depth/Fish Finder (see: "Amphicar Depth/Fish Finder")
Engine Numbers (January/February 2002)
Exhaust Studs in "Off the Wire" (January/February 2002)
Fiberglass Rear Quarter Installation (Part One of Two) by Gord Souter (May/June 2004)
Fiberglass Rear Quarter Installation (Part Two of Two) by Gord Souter (July/August 2004)
Frame Rails Rust (see: "Secret Rust in the Frame Rails")
Fuel Tap Issues in "Off the Wire" (March/April 2001)
Generator Question in "Off the Wire" (May/June 2003)
Generator-to-Alternator Conversion (see: "Alternator Conversion")
Greasing (see: "Maintenance Chart")
Inner Seal, Transmission (see: "Transmission Inner Seal Replacement")
Jacking Point Inspection and Removal by Michel Ferland (September/October 2003)
Leaking Fule Tap (see: "Fuel Tap Issues")
Lubrication (see: "Maintenance Chart")
Maintenance Chart (November/December 2002)
Miscellaneous Tips and Tricks by Hugh Gordon (September/October 2004)
Numbers, Engine (see: "Engine Numbers")
Numbers, Serial (see: "Serial Number Information")
Numbers, VIN (see: "Right Hand Drive Car VIN Information")
Oil Change Tip (see: "Amphicar Oil Change Tip & Right Hand Drive Car VIN Information")
Rear Axle Safety (July/August 2002)
Rear Quarterpanel Installation (see: "Fiberglass Rear Quarter Installation")
Right Hand Drive Car VIN Information (see: "Right Hand Drive Car VIN Information")
Rust in Frame Rails (see: "Secret Rust in the Frame Rails")
Salt Water Amphi? by Dan Borgman (March/April 2001)
Secret Rust in the Frame Rails by John Friese (January/February 2004)
Serial Number Information by Paul Rasmussen (November/December 2001)
Steering Box Support Brace (see: "Support Brace for Steering Box")
Studs, Exhaust (see: "Exhaust Studs")
Sunday Tech Sessions in Celina (see: "Celina Sunday Tech Session Topics")
Support Brace for Steering Box by Mark Richardson and Ren? Pohl (March/April 2001)
Tappet Clearances (see: "Cylinder Head Nuts/Valve Rocker Clearance")
Tech Sessions in Celina (see: "Celina Sunday Tech Session Topics")
Timer Circuit (see: "Bilge Blower Timer Circuit Retrofit")
Tips and Tricks from Hugh Gordon (see: "Miscellaneous Tips and Tricks")
Top Frame Repair by Hugh Gordon (September/October 2001)
Tracking Problems in "Off the Wire" (January/February 2001)
Transmission Inner Seal Replacement by Marc Schlemmer (July/August 2003)
Transmission Mount Modifications by Paul Rasmussen (January/February 2001)
Valve Rocker Clearance (see: "Cylinder Head Nuts/Valve Rocker Clearance")
VIN Information, Right-hand Drive Amphicars (see: "Right Hand Drive Car VIN Information")
Waterskiing with a Boogie Board (September/October 2002)
Mike's recent posting concening "Wheel Brake Cylinder Rebuilding" made me think that I had perhaps seen something in one of the Club Newsletters on that very topic. Turns out I was wrong, but also that I now had only the foggiest notion of all of the various topics that have been covered in the Newsletters over the years, even though I had actually typed up the contents myself of each and every Newsletter for the website's "Newsletters Archive" found in the Members Only Area at http://www.amphicar.com/goodies/newsletters.htm (login required).
So for the record, attached below is a quick and sloppy cross-referenced index of Tech Topics covered in all the Newsletters from 2001 to present. All of these Newsletters are available to current Club Members in their full and original versions in the "Members Only Area" of the website as PDF documents. The links below will bring one to the exact issues in question, but a current username and password will be required to view them. The current username and password are found in the most recent issue of the Club's Newsletter. What's that? You say you're <u>not</u> a current Club member and don't have a recent Newsletter?Well then, you'd better click here first.
<font size="2"></font>
P.S. In case you do not see any links, it just means that your Amphicar-Lovers user preferencesare set to receive postings in "plain text" formatinstead of HTML. If that's the case, just cut-n-paste this link into your web browser...
<font size="2"></font>
<div align="center"><font size="2">http://www.escribe.com/automotive/amphicar/search.html?query=hunnybuns</font>
<font size="2"></font>
...and then you canview this message with all of its links in the List Archives,Hunnybuns.
<font size="2"></font>
<font size="2">-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=</font>
<font size="2">OF </font><font size="2">THE </font><font size="2">INTERNATIONAL AMPHICAR OWNERS CLUB</font>
<font size="2">January 2001 to January 2005</font>
<font size="2"></font>
Aftermarket Bilge Pump by Billy Syx (May/June 2001)
Alternator Conversion (January/February 2003)
Amphicar Creations and Improvements by Rob Vondracek (November/December 2003)
Amphicar Depth/Fish Finder by Paul Lalewicz (March/April 2004)
Amphicar Oil Change Tip & Right Hand Drive Car VIN Information (May/June 2002)
Axles (see: "Rear Axle Safety")
Bilge Blower Timer Circuit Retrofit (March/April 2003)
Bilge Pump (see: "Aftermarket Bilge Pump")
Boogie Board (see: "Waterskiing with a Boogie Board)
Celina Sunday Tech Session Topics (November/December 2004)
Changing Oil (see: "Amphicar Oil Change Tip & Right Hand Drive Car VIN Information")
Cylinder Head Nuts/Valve Rocker Clearance (March/April 2002)
Depth/Fish Finder (see: "Amphicar Depth/Fish Finder")
Engine Numbers (January/February 2002)
Exhaust Studs in "Off the Wire" (January/February 2002)
Fiberglass Rear Quarter Installation (Part One of Two) by Gord Souter (May/June 2004)
Fiberglass Rear Quarter Installation (Part Two of Two) by Gord Souter (July/August 2004)
Frame Rails Rust (see: "Secret Rust in the Frame Rails")
Fuel Tap Issues in "Off the Wire" (March/April 2001)
Generator Question in "Off the Wire" (May/June 2003)
Generator-to-Alternator Conversion (see: "Alternator Conversion")
Greasing (see: "Maintenance Chart")
Inner Seal, Transmission (see: "Transmission Inner Seal Replacement")
Jacking Point Inspection and Removal by Michel Ferland (September/October 2003)
Leaking Fule Tap (see: "Fuel Tap Issues")
Lubrication (see: "Maintenance Chart")
Maintenance Chart (November/December 2002)
Miscellaneous Tips and Tricks by Hugh Gordon (September/October 2004)
Numbers, Engine (see: "Engine Numbers")
Numbers, Serial (see: "Serial Number Information")
Numbers, VIN (see: "Right Hand Drive Car VIN Information")
Oil Change Tip (see: "Amphicar Oil Change Tip & Right Hand Drive Car VIN Information")
Rear Axle Safety (July/August 2002)
Rear Quarterpanel Installation (see: "Fiberglass Rear Quarter Installation")
Right Hand Drive Car VIN Information (see: "Right Hand Drive Car VIN Information")
Rust in Frame Rails (see: "Secret Rust in the Frame Rails")
Salt Water Amphi? by Dan Borgman (March/April 2001)
Secret Rust in the Frame Rails by John Friese (January/February 2004)
Serial Number Information by Paul Rasmussen (November/December 2001)
Steering Box Support Brace (see: "Support Brace for Steering Box")
Studs, Exhaust (see: "Exhaust Studs")
Sunday Tech Sessions in Celina (see: "Celina Sunday Tech Session Topics")
Support Brace for Steering Box by Mark Richardson and Ren? Pohl (March/April 2001)
Tappet Clearances (see: "Cylinder Head Nuts/Valve Rocker Clearance")
Tech Sessions in Celina (see: "Celina Sunday Tech Session Topics")
Timer Circuit (see: "Bilge Blower Timer Circuit Retrofit")
Tips and Tricks from Hugh Gordon (see: "Miscellaneous Tips and Tricks")
Top Frame Repair by Hugh Gordon (September/October 2001)
Tracking Problems in "Off the Wire" (January/February 2001)
Transmission Inner Seal Replacement by Marc Schlemmer (July/August 2003)
Transmission Mount Modifications by Paul Rasmussen (January/February 2001)
Valve Rocker Clearance (see: "Cylinder Head Nuts/Valve Rocker Clearance")
VIN Information, Right-hand Drive Amphicars (see: "Right Hand Drive Car VIN Information")
Waterskiing with a Boogie Board (September/October 2002)