


Anything with a grease free surface can be rechromed. It's the
manner in which the chrome is applied that matters but you're right,
deep pits can be filled with various materials. I used to upholster
business jets and sent all sorts of items to our chrome and gold
plating shop and was never rejected. Even plastic items were returned
with a bright finish. It's the manner the chrome or gold is applied
and what filler is used that matters. Brass filler is not a problem
for a good shop. I have even sent bondo'ed items out and I don't know
how but they came back sweet as a new piece of jewelry. Check with
various restoration shops and they can guide you in the right
direction. Some of this can be quite costly but worth it if you're the
kind of guy who likes to say, "I fixed it" when it's done which is
always cool. Helps for originality too. Regards, Bobby

Bihari, James

<table>Anyone find a good chrome plating place toplate door handles and hubcaps or is it just cheaper
to buy ones from Hugh?
Also, regarding recent talk about the correct flat black color of thebottom of the car: My painter
just made it the same color of red on the bottom as on the sides. I will likely sell mine in a couple of years.
Is it worth more if I paint the bottom flat black and if so, how much of the bottom is supposed to
be painted black?


Bihari, James

<table>Anyone find a good chrome plating place toplate door handles and hubcaps or is it just cheaper
to buy ones from Hugh?
Also, regarding recent talk about the correct flat black color of thebottom of the car: My painter
just made it the same color of red on the bottom as on the sides. I will likely sell mine in a couple of years.
Is it worth more if I paint the bottom flat black and if so, how much of the bottom is supposed to
be painted black?



Having had a fair share of chrome plating done in the past 20 years I
can assure you it will cost more when done correctly if the
steps are done as John pointed out. But will also last longer and
look better. I bought some reproduction amphi rear bumpers and after
the first year the chrome started peeling. Had them replated and they
still look perfect almost 3 years later.

I clear coat the inside of the front bumpers after plating as this
stops the surface rust from starting especially in an amphi.

I too like the correct semigloss black on the bottom. You no longer
have to put flatting agent in as most body suppliers now carry a
correct GM 60% gloss black in quarts right out of the can.

Ron Green

--- In, "Bihari, James" <jbihari@...>
> Anyone find a good chrome plating place to plate door handles and
hubcaps or
> is it just cheaper
> to buy ones from Hugh?
> Also, regarding recent talk about the correct flat black color of
the bottom
> of the car: My painter
> just made it the same color of red on the bottom as on the sides.
I will
> likely sell mine in a couple of years.
> Is it worth more if I paint the bottom flat black and if so, how
much of the
> bottom is supposed to
> be painted black?
> Jim


Having had a fair share of chrome plating done in the past 20 years I
can assure you it will cost more when done correctly if the
steps are done as John pointed out. But will also last longer and
look better. I bought some reproduction amphi rear bumpers and after
the first year the chrome started peeling. Had them replated and they
still look perfect almost 3 years later.

I clear coat the inside of the front bumpers after plating as this
stops the surface rust from starting especially in an amphi.

I too like the correct semigloss black on the bottom. You no longer
have to put flatting agent in as most body suppliers now carry a
correct GM 60% gloss black in quarts right out of the can.

Ron Green

--- In, "Bihari, James" <jbihari@...>
> Anyone find a good chrome plating place to plate door handles and
hubcaps or
> is it just cheaper
> to buy ones from Hugh?
> Also, regarding recent talk about the correct flat black color of
the bottom
> of the car: My painter
> just made it the same color of red on the bottom as on the sides.
I will
> likely sell mine in a couple of years.
> Is it worth more if I paint the bottom flat black and if so, how
much of the
> bottom is supposed to
> be painted black?
> Jim

Robert Wright

<table style="BACKGROUND-POSITION: 0px 0px; FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN: 5px 10px 10px; FONT-FAMILY: Arial" bgColor="#ffffff" background="" scroll="yes" ORGYPOS="0">
<table id="INCREDIMAINTABLE" cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="2" width="100%" border="0">
<td id="INCREDITEXTREGION" style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; CURSOR: auto; FONT-FAMILY: Arial" width="100%">
As chrome platers may come and go the Chris Craft Club recomends a long time plater Graves Plating of Florence Al. (256) 764-9487. Mr Graves attends many antique car and boat gatherings. I have personally used Graves Plating over the years and am completely satisfied. Tell them I recomended you to them. Robert Wright
<td id="INCREDIFOOTER" width="100%">
<table cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" width="100%">
<td width="100%"></td>
<td id="INCREDISOUND" vAlign="bottom" align="middle"></td>
<td id="INCREDIANIM" vAlign="bottom" align="middle"></td></tr></tbody></td></tr></tbody><span id="IncrediStamp"><span dir="ltr"> </img></span></span>

Robert Wright

<table style="BACKGROUND-POSITION: 0px 0px; FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN: 5px 10px 10px; FONT-FAMILY: Arial" bgColor="#ffffff" background="" scroll="yes" ORGYPOS="0">
<table id="INCREDIMAINTABLE" cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="2" width="100%" border="0">
<td id="INCREDITEXTREGION" style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; CURSOR: auto; FONT-FAMILY: Arial" width="100%">
As chrome platers may come and go the Chris Craft Club recomends a long time plater Graves Plating of Florence Al. (256) 764-9487. Mr Graves attends many antique car and boat gatherings. I have personally used Graves Plating over the years and am completely satisfied. Tell them I recomended you to them. Robert Wright
<td id="INCREDIFOOTER" width="100%">
<table cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" width="100%">
<td width="100%"></td>
<td id="INCREDISOUND" vAlign="bottom" align="middle"></td>
<td id="INCREDIANIM" vAlign="bottom" align="middle"></td></tr></tbody></td></tr></tbody><span id="IncrediStamp"><span dir="ltr"> </img></span></span>