Charollete Motor Speedway Auto Show


Arnold Hite

I've been invited to show my Amphicar at the Charlotte motor Speedway
September Auto show. The young marking director there is especially
fascinated with the Amphicar and has featured it in much of the promotional
literature about the show. He also talked me into allowing him to place my
car inside a 24 foot above ground pool. I've always wanted to do this but
the idea of having my Amphicar in the water for almost four days is making
me really nervous. Take a look at their web page and you will get an idea
how important the Amphicar display is to them.

The show goes on for four days. There will be thousands of people. If any
of you have business cards or brochures that you would like me to display
please send me a note off list. The show is the third weekend of September.

Arnold Hite
Blue 66
White 64 (off the floor jacks again)