Changes Updates for Holland Michigan Sept 6 & 7


Kazoo Books

Sharon has much more clout than I do. Sooo....
Days Inn of Holland is offering the Amphi Car group a rate of $55.00 +
8% bed tax. This is offered for September 6 and 7, 2002 NON SMOKING
ONLY rooms available - - - - -Smokers - for a rate like this you will
just have to step outside for this weekend .............................

Days Inn is located at 32nd and US 31, in the Northwest corner, next
door to China Inn and Orlando's on the other side.

Please call 616-392-7001 to make your reservations - - mention the Amphi
Car Club. Parking available

Days Inn 717 Hastings Ave

Holland MI 49423

Phone 616-392-7001

You are welcome to stay anywhere in Holland, but this is a good rate.

Thank You
James & Gloria Tiller
and Tinker
Kazoo Books
407 N. Clarendon
Kalamazoo, Michigan 49006
(800)516-2665 (616)385-2665
- over 65,000 quality used books

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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