Celina2001 Virtual Parts Swap Page


Bill Connelly

It's 61 days 8 hours 2 minutes and 12 seconds until Celina.
Do you know where your parts are?

Please visit the "Celina2001 Virtual Swap Meet" now available in the
International Amphicar Owners Club's "Members Area" at
http://www.amphicar.com/memberslogin.html .

Here again in response to popular demand is a place where Club Members can
announce their Amphicar parts needs and offerings to other Members prior to
our colossal get together in Celina, July 27-29th. Not sure whether to drag
along that extra tranny or hood or maybe that huge crate of mint condition
navigation hood light lenses that the cat's been sleeping in? So here's a
great place to see what other folks are needing or announce what you might
be able to bring along.

Also, if you're planning to attend Celina, whether you're a Club Member or
not (naturally all are welcome), please take a minute to let us know at
http://www.amphicar.com/Celina2001.html . This information will really help
the Club plan the best Swim-In ever, and this year's gathering is already
promising to be EPIC.
