Gord Souter
A note I missed on The Celina Schedule that came with this months news
letter is a Date Change.
I the past it has been on the weekend of about the 25th. So this Year I a
figured it would be on the weekend of 21-23 and looks like I am wrong as
the flyer says July 26th threw the 30th.I have asked those to be to confirm
this.Hopefluuly posting it here.
This Blows some plans I had already made but of course I will be there.
Check you reservations making sure you have the correct dates.
Gord Souter,Canadian 4 amphs,
MY new phone # is 1 705 327 2820
I buy, sell and restore Only Amphicars
over 700 different parts for sale.
Interior kits and fibreglass panels my specialty!
[This E-mail scanned for viruses by Declude Virus]
letter is a Date Change.
I the past it has been on the weekend of about the 25th. So this Year I a
figured it would be on the weekend of 21-23 and looks like I am wrong as
the flyer says July 26th threw the 30th.I have asked those to be to confirm
this.Hopefluuly posting it here.
This Blows some plans I had already made but of course I will be there.
Check you reservations making sure you have the correct dates.
Gord Souter,Canadian 4 amphs,
MY new phone # is 1 705 327 2820
I buy, sell and restore Only Amphicars
over 700 different parts for sale.
Interior kits and fibreglass panels my specialty!
[This E-mail scanned for viruses by Declude Virus]