Celina Group Photo Update


Marc Schlemmer

well....after the posting the other day asking about the status of the
Celina Group Photos, I dropped an email to the photographer and asked him
what the deal is. The last I spoke to him, he indicated that they should be
going out what is approaching two weeks ago. It seems he was not happy with
the quality of the work, and is having the entire lot re-done. I guess that
is good from a quality point of view....but bad from a timing point of view.
I'll let everyone know if I hear any more.

Marc Schlemmer.

Following is what the photographer said:
Sorry for the delay on two fronts.........first, I thought I had let you
know that I got the work back and it sucked!!!!! I must have thought
of notifying you and then didn't. Sorry! On the second front, I
returned it all and am making them reprocess the entire order. It
didn't meet my standards and I have very high standards when it
comes to this stuff. I know this slows down the whole thing and I
knew that when it happened, but I'm not delivering something
inferior. Besides, in the proof the people in the cars were quite
recognizable and in the reprint not so good. There isn't anything
wrong with my negs, its the printing process. I can assure you it
will be correct this time............and I don't have a timetable since I
have the people that process the thing so scared they'll get it back
again, they're sending tests first!!!!!

I'll keep you posted.