Celina 2005 - A GREAT time!



Just a quick note to say, "Thank you," to the Amphicar
organization; its club officers, members and vendors; Gloria Tiller
for leading the charge this year; the town of Celina, Ohio for their
hospitality and for being so gracious (the weather was perfect too);
and those who smiled, cheered, waved and hollered ... This was a
wonderful first-time Amphicar experience for me, Cheryl and our two
guests! All four of us will be back next year.

We're looking forward to using our Amphicar more, and to share
the excitement of a splash. We're already anxious for Celina 2006.

Thanks for allowing us to be a part of your community.

Richard & Cheryl LeBlanc
Westland, Michigan

1967 Green