Celina 2003


Marc Schlemmer

Dave the Wave is right.....the Holiday Inn Express has opened up
reservations for Celina 2003.
The dates for the event are July 25-27....but the block is set up to include
Thursday the 24th if you wish.
The phone number is 419-586-4919.

Marc Schlemmer.


--- In amphicar-lovers@y..., "Marc Schlemmer" <mschlem@a...> wrote:
> Dave the Wave is right.....the Holiday Inn Express has opened up
> reservations for Celina 2003.
> The dates for the event are July 25-27....but the block is set up
to include
> Thursday the 24th if you wish.
> The phone number is 419-586-4919.
> Marc Schlemmer.

Can anyone tell me the benefits of the Holliday Inn versus the
Comfort Inn? Just off hand it would appear the Comfort Inn to be
closest to activities, especially Eagles. Perhaps the pool?



Mark, Chris has already made our reservations for next year. By the
way the count down clock should be reset. We took the Amphicar out
last weekend & this weekend. It's runnin' good & looking forward
to the Mt. Dora Boat Show. Ray

--- In amphicar-lovers@y..., "Marc Schlemmer" <mschlem@a...> wrote:
> Dave the Wave is right.....the Holiday Inn Express has opened up
> reservations for Celina 2003.
> The dates for the event are July 25-27....but the block is set up to
> Thursday the 24th if you wish.
> The phone number is 419-586-4919.
> Marc Schlemmer.


I can think of 36 reasons a night. $105 @ Comfort vs $69 @ Holiday.

-- In amphicar-lovers@y..., "chris_skeeles" <chris@s...> wrote:
> --- In amphicar-lovers@y..., "Marc Schlemmer" <mschlem@a...> wrote:
> > Dave the Wave is right.....the Holiday Inn Express has opened up
> > reservations for Celina 2003.
> > The dates for the event are July 25-27....but the block is set up
> to include
> > Thursday the 24th if you wish.
> > The phone number is 419-586-4919.
> >
> > Marc Schlemmer.
> Can anyone tell me the benefits of the Holliday Inn versus the
> Comfort Inn? Just off hand it would appear the Comfort Inn to be
> closest to activities, especially Eagles. Perhaps the pool?
> Chris

Marc Schlemmer

....final schedule hasn't been put together yet for the big Celina Amphicar
Swim coming up...but be confident, however, that you will have plenty to do
and see!
It should be pretty much like last year, with a couple of changes.
The route the police take us to the lake on Friday is going to be
changed...it will be more parade like through the people and will avoid the
tight corner at the hot hole. Group photo location will be different....and
we hope to get a swim scheduled for Saturday afternoon. The eagles are
putting up a special tent just for us Amphicar folks in the grassy area by
the ramp, and again are going to treat us great!
Basically, we've just tried to add or change a few things to make it
better.....and oh yes, Dave the Wave is excited about the professional
video! Each person/car in attendance will have a 30 second or so interview
on tape with their car. It really should be great to have a record of "who
is who" after the weekend.
Another addition that you'll want to keep in mind is the first "Explore the
Lake" swim scheduled for Thursday at 1:00pm. Meet at the Eagles to pick up
your map of where we'll be going!

See you next week!

Ed Howard

I look forward to my first visit to Celina this year. I will be
staying at the Comfort Inn (alas, with only a rent-a-car) but want
to experience as much as possible, so I sincerely hope that my
fellow Amphicar owners coming with their cars will allow me to be
their passenger at all the fun events.

Can't wait till next week!!!!

Ed Howard
Orange County, CA
64 Red (staying at home)

--- In amphicar-lovers@yahoogroups.com, "Marc Schlemmer"
<mschlem@I...> wrote:
> ....final schedule hasn't been put together yet for the big Celina
> Swim coming up...but be confident, however, that you will have
plenty to do
> and see!
> It should be pretty much like last year, with a couple of changes.
> The route the police take us to the lake on Friday is going to be
> changed...it will be more parade like through the people and will
avoid the
> tight corner at the hot hole. Group photo location will be
> we hope to get a swim scheduled for Saturday afternoon. The
eagles are
> putting up a special tent just for us Amphicar folks in the grassy
area by
> the ramp, and again are going to treat us great!
> Basically, we've just tried to add or change a few things to make
> better.....and oh yes, Dave the Wave is excited about the
> video! Each person/car in attendance will have a 30 second or so
> on tape with their car. It really should be great to have a
record of "who
> is who" after the weekend.
> Another addition that you'll want to keep in mind is the
first "Explore the
> Lake" swim scheduled for Thursday at 1:00pm. Meet at the Eagles
to pick up
> your map of where we'll be going!
> See you next week!
> Marc.


Dear Marc, Hello, Thank you for your hard work putting the weekend together. We
will see you at the Eagles on Sat am, we cant get there until saturday so carry
on without us . We will be there in spirit. Thank you, Mark and Karen Amsdill
62 blue, 62 white


Dear Marc, Hello, Thank you for your hard work putting the weekend together. We
will see you at the Eagles on Sat am, we cant get there until saturday so carry
on without us . We will be there in spirit. Thank you, Mark and Karen Amsdill
62 blue, 62 white

Mike Israel

Hi All,

Once again it was great to meet and see everyone. My
Amphi was also pleased to be able to join me for this
years reunion.

I was a bit worried when the trip started off with my
front wheel slipping off the U-Haul trailer as it was
being loaded. (Always make sure your ground guide is
not being distracted by small children). Fortunately,
my neighbor's son and some of his brawny college
friends were able to lift it up and drop the wheel
right back on to the ramp. No damage incurred.
Thanks goes to whoever the fellow amphibian was who
helped me load it back on the trailer on Sunday
without any mishaps!

Congratulations to Dave and Billy on receiving the
"Amphibian of the Year" awards. They certainly do add
a "splash" to the festivities and have also been key
in keeping many of our own Amphis afloat. Well

Thanks to Mark and the club for making this another
spectacular event. See you next year.

Mike Israel
65 Amphi (white)
List/Digest Admin

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David and/or Betty Anne Field

I must have missed it, but once again - how many Amphis attended Swim-in
this year?

Ed Howard

Hi Dave:

There were 61 Amphicars there this year.

I was there, but I did not take my (your former) car.

It was a blast. Sorry you did not make it, as it would have been
nice to meet you.

Ed Howard
--- In amphicar-lovers@yahoogroups.com, "David and/or Betty Anne
Field" <bafield@k...> wrote:
> I must have missed it, but once again - how many Amphis attended
> this year?
> Dave