What a wonderful weekend.....it just flew right by! I can't believe it is
already over, it seemed like it just began.
Thanks for everyone that came...that's what makes the weekend so great.
Official count is 235 people and 64 Amphicars!
Staying up until after 2 am every night since Wednesday really catches up
with ya.
The city dedicating Amphicar Drive was great....and I can't wait to see that
panoramic group photo. I talked to the photographer Sunday and he said the
negative looked good and it will be 38" wide by 10" tall. That should look
good on the wall!
And I've got to say...at one point during the Swap Meet on Saturday I looked
across the parking lot at all the people with items on display for sale and
I thought, "Gee, this looks like a real swap meet!" You know, if it were a
Chevy or a Ford show, you'd expect a nice swap meet, but who ever dreamt
that there would be a "real" swap meet for Amphicars! But it was!
The Tech Sessions really were super, too. Thanks to those who made those
And finally, I was certainly honored to receive the "Amphibian of the Year"
award. Mike Israel summed it up quite well....I too, am honored to be
listed with the other recipients. Thanks so much.
Great to see everyone! Amphi people are great!
Marc Schlemmer.