Celina 2002


Ray Handloser

Chris & I have our room, 50 weeks to go! I'll see some of you @
Mt.Dora, Fl. Ray

Marc Schlemmer

What a wonderful weekend.....it just flew right by! I can't believe it is
already over, it seemed like it just began.
Thanks for everyone that came...that's what makes the weekend so great.
Official count is 235 people and 64 Amphicars!
Staying up until after 2 am every night since Wednesday really catches up
with ya.

The city dedicating Amphicar Drive was great....and I can't wait to see that
panoramic group photo. I talked to the photographer Sunday and he said the
negative looked good and it will be 38" wide by 10" tall. That should look
good on the wall!
And I've got to say...at one point during the Swap Meet on Saturday I looked
across the parking lot at all the people with items on display for sale and
I thought, "Gee, this looks like a real swap meet!" You know, if it were a
Chevy or a Ford show, you'd expect a nice swap meet, but who ever dreamt
that there would be a "real" swap meet for Amphicars! But it was!
The Tech Sessions really were super, too. Thanks to those who made those
And finally, I was certainly honored to receive the "Amphibian of the Year"
award. Mike Israel summed it up quite well....I too, am honored to be
listed with the other recipients. Thanks so much.

Great to see everyone! Amphi people are great!
Marc Schlemmer.


"Thank you" to all who made this another memorable event, you know
who you are.
We had another great time in Celina even with all the white caps and
The quality of Amphicars seen in Celina keeps increasing. It is hard
to believe some of these cars actually swim when they look so
perfect. But who could stay out of the water with an almost new
We brought our 2 girls with us this year and soon realized they
weren't having as much fun as they thought they should. They just
don't seem to get the same rush we get standing around talking smart
with friends about our cars. They always remember to find Dave the
Wave and to see Billy. We will be kid-less next year, so we won't
feel so guilty when we're having too much fun.
We hope there will be more flat-water next year so we can all swim
more without getting drenched with every other green wave.
We sure enjoyed starting each morning with the little breakfast thing
at the Holiday Inn; it made for a great start of each day and an
enjoyable way to meet new friends.
The T-shirts and buttons are magnificent and we should feel fortunate
to have club members who are able to deliver such quality mementos.
The panoramic photo session was so well orchestrated that it seemed
to only take a few minutes to place all the cars and take the
picture. We had a great time meeting and talking with other Amphi
owners while the photographer was working on his masterpiece. We are
waiting with excitement till the day we receive our framed copy. The
swap meet was fun again this year; but we did miss the Germans with
their little kegs of good and strong beer. We spent a little more
than we should have; but this is Celina and it only comes around once
a year.
Dinner at the Eagles was again excellent and with all the festivities
and door prizes we all had a terrific time.
And then there was Sunday morning, which came all too quickly and
departure times approached us all. The timeless loading of cars,
reminiscing and talking of future swims were plenty and pleasant.
We did post 2 files of photos in the files section at left under the
names: Celina 2002 #1 & #2 just in case you missed our post note.
All in all we did have an enjoyable time in Celina and have started
the count down for 2003.
Marty & Caryl
'64 Turq


Celina was great but I think next year we are going without kids also and
showing up on Thursday - then we can stay up late and get into the Tequila
with everyone else.

Kids liked the fireworks, playing with the Zinkosky kids in the pool at
Holiday Inn, getting candy at the parade and the playscape / playground at
the afternoon park event - so it wasn't a total wash on their part. Last
year, the radio controlled drag races held their attention for quite a
while too. They also liked the dancing last year and the band at Celina.
Of course, the splashing was to their liking too. Our kids are 7,7 and 9.

Paul Rasmussen

P.S. We did have 3 amphicars on Deer Lake in Clarkston over the weekend -
one of my friends even tried body surfing behind the Amphicar.

P.S.S - So when is Alan Jackson going to show up at an A-car event with his