Catching up on messages



To Randy B: Mermaid & I are looking forward to meeting you as well.
Comfort Inn is conveniently located across from the Eagles Lodge,
which has a fine bar. See you there or on the lake.

To Dave the Wave: Blondes, redheads, brunettes, young & old will be
abducted from the Moose Lodge per our master plan and then be forced
to clean our bilges. You must bring the 12v blender, yes - please
keep the doors locked for a change, we'll leave the Moose Lodge dudes
on shore unless they have gnarly party favors, and we can try all the
parallel parking and beach landings you want? as long as I'm sober
enough to start Amphi's engine.

Mike Echemann: Perfect! Reserve my seat at the bar, have a cold
brewski waiting. Fear not about Amphi separation anxiety? I
routinely show my Amphi slide show presentations of past Swim-In
events so he'll never forget the fun. This year I will remember
your... see below.

To Marty & Caryl: I am not bringing the worm laden cactus derivative
that starts with an M. However, I am bringing an ample supply
of "M's" close cousin that starts with a "T." Including the bottle I
owe Mike Echemann from a year (or was it 2 years) ago. Good stuff
too, from the depths of Central America. Be thirsty when we meet!

Steve Reich: You're too kind. You did all the work, I only supplied
the high tech crowbar and hammer. Glad your Amphi steers again.
That may come in handy when loading your Amphi on the truck for
Celina. Can't hardly wait.

Hope to see many many parts at the Celina Amphi Swap Meet. I need a
steering box brace, rear view mirror, chrome goodies, and some
rubbery bits. Has anyone gotten a peek at the Celina schedule of
events? Please share what you know? my Amphi won't stop asking.
Be well, swim safe.

'64 Turquoise
San Diego, CA