


Dang that water is cold!

Glad I stayed nice and dry inside my Amphi! Ahhh.. What a thrill it
is to be out on the open water again. It was a sunny 40 degree day
and I decided to break the car in today.

There were still a few icey patches. The noise is rather unsettling
when you break through it. No damage to the paint that I can tell. It
was very thin ice.

Chris - Canton, Ohio
63' Red "Chaos"
Swimming in March

Ed Price

I would be very cautious about crunching through any ice. My experience with
wood-hull displacement boats is that thin ice does a nasty abrasive effect
on your paint. Although the ice may be thin, you are breaking it edge-on,
and that concentrates the force. Plus, your point-of-contact on the hull is
always just about the same place, so the same area gets all the wear.

The steel hull should be quite safe; but you just might get a waterline band
of abraded paint.


----- Original Message -----
From: "chris_skeeles" <chris@skeeles.com>
To: <amphicar-lovers@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 1:44 PM
Subject: [amphicar-lovers] Buuurrr!

> Dang that water is cold!
> Glad I stayed nice and dry inside my Amphi! Ahhh.. What a thrill it
> is to be out on the open water again. It was a sunny 40 degree day
> and I decided to break the car in today.
> There were still a few icey patches. The noise is rather unsettling
> when you break through it. No damage to the paint that I can tell. It
> was very thin ice.
> Chris - Canton, Ohio
> 63' Red "Chaos"
> Swimming in March
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