RE: RE: Bond movie
One movie that has a fair amount of Amphicar presence is a movie called the
Presidents Analyst starring James Coburn. I have it on video (old copy
recorded from TV). Not sure what year it was produced but probably circa
1966. It's not even too bad a movie so it is easy to sit through!
Gary Schulz
-----Original Message-----
From: Marc Schlemmer []
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 10:46 PM
To: Amphicar Digest
Subject: [amphicar-lovers] RE: Bond movie
...alright, I have rented and just sat through the full Casino Royale from
1967...(yes, it was bad.).
No sign of an Amphicar anywhere.
I guess you might call it a James Bond movie, but probably shouldn't. As
Dana really is a Bond parody. The "real" James Bond comes out of
retirement and recruits more secret agents, deciding to call them all James
Bond 007. That way no one would really ever know who the real James Bond
is. The film is found in the Comedy section of your video store.
Ray was right....Woody Allen was the bad guy. Actually, he was James Bond's
nephew, Jimmy Bond.
As I struggled to sit through the movie....and Elizabeth sat through most of
it with one point I said to her, "How many times have we been sent
on a wild goose chase in search of an Amphicar?"
Bottom line....don't bother.
Marc Schlemmer.
(gives it 1 star out of 5)
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