Bar b que


David Derer

Another arrival to the Dave's surreal dream world. Serial number 100073.
Was a rust free (even the quarters) never repaired body. This car came
up for sale after catching fire.Wisconsin member Tom Jones bought and
brought home. Even though all aluminum and most pot metal melted trans
and mechanicals were good, After removing goodies his plans changed and
I get the call to pick up body. All solder had run away and kind of an
interesting study on how some areas had been assembled. At first blush
car looks very restorable. I pound out some major dents and start
fitting parts. Major shrinkage of up to four inches had occurred in some
places. I will need to flip over and get measuring tape out. I would
rather start with a rust free hull than the other one I was doing. Or
skip it all make hood fit and float as is. It is wrinkled but no holes.
Floating ugly would have all new meaning. Later Dave the Wave

Cap''n John

Was this the car from New Jersey? That was a sad story.

Any car that was in a fire as hot as the one I am thinking of, it
(pardon the pun) is toast. The metal will fatigue quicker and because
of the deformation most anything will not fit properly. I would even
bet the hull and frame are twisted (not as much as you Dave! :) ]
The rear suspension and it's mountings are probably suspect too. It
is usually just not worth the efforts. Good luck!


Ed Howard

We anxiously await photos to be posted !!!!

Ed Howard
Orange County, CA
64 Red

--- David Derer <> wrote:
> Another arrival to the Dave's surreal dream world.
> Serial number 100073.
> Was a rust free (even the quarters) never repaired
> body. This car came
> up for sale after catching fire.Wisconsin member Tom
> Jones bought and
> brought home. Even though all aluminum and most pot
> metal melted trans
> and mechanicals were good, After removing goodies
> his plans changed and
> I get the call to pick up body. All solder had run
> away and kind of an
> interesting study on how some areas had been
> assembled. At first blush
> car looks very restorable. I pound out some major
> dents and start
> fitting parts. Major shrinkage of up to four inches
> had occurred in some
> places. I will need to flip over and get measuring
> tape out. I would
> rather start with a rust free hull than the other
> one I was doing. Or
> skip it all make hood fit and float as is. It is
> wrinkled but no holes.
> Floating ugly would have all new meaning. Later Dave
> the Wave


Find a job, post your resume.

David Chapman

> Was a rust free (even the quarters) never repaired body. This car came
> up for sale after catching fire.Wisconsin member Tom Jones bought and

Amphi-fire is everyones nightmare.

That's why you must replace the long rubber fuel hose at least once every 20
years and not take any chances with leaking fuel, when you engage the backup
lights you sometimes get a little spark from that switch on the front of the

It's also a good idea to carry a fire extinguisher and fit a battery cutout
switch (you have to have both by law on all boats in the UK)

David Chapman