AYA update & Celina



Glorious! It's official and legit. The
Amphibian of the Year Award (AYA) has
spilled over 50 votes, plus I received
an even dozen off line, and so the voting
continues. Don't be fooled by the poll
results my fine finned friends... this
is still a 4 horse race and I aint telling
til Saturday night (July 26th) who the
winner(s) is/are. Voting continues for
another 2 weeks - then I scramble to build
the AYA award(s). No small feat for a 2
finned numbskull like me.

Last year I reserved 8 rooms in the Celina
Comfort Inn (across from the Eagles Lodge
where all the serious partying goes on)
figuring I'd have 7 other California Amphi
owners to help shelter... Well it seems
I may be the only one making the journey,
so I now need to un-reserve 7 of the rooms.
Please contact me off list if you are at
all serious about bunking in the same
building as Amphipoda & his lovely Mermaid
wife. I will transfer a reservation into
your name and you'll be golden. I will
totally dump any remaining reservations
on June 10 2003... the SAME day the AYA
voting concludes.

Be well, swim safe.

'64 Turquoise
San Diego, CA

Jonathan Murray

guess what im going to celina ohio for the anul amphiacar anaversery

>From: "amphipoda" <Amphipoda@yahoo.com>
>Reply-To: amphicar-lovers@yahoogroups.com
>To: amphicar-lovers@yahoogroups.com
>Subject: [amphicar-lovers] AYA update & Celina
>Date: Wed, 28 May 2003 23:58:04 -0000
>Glorious! It's official and legit. The
>Amphibian of the Year Award (AYA) has
>spilled over 50 votes, plus I received
>an even dozen off line, and so the voting
>continues. Don't be fooled by the poll
>results my fine finned friends... this
>is still a 4 horse race and I aint telling
>til Saturday night (July 26th) who the
>winner(s) is/are. Voting continues for
>another 2 weeks - then I scramble to build
>the AYA award(s). No small feat for a 2
>finned numbskull like me.
>Last year I reserved 8 rooms in the Celina
>Comfort Inn (across from the Eagles Lodge
>where all the serious partying goes on)
>figuring I'd have 7 other California Amphi
>owners to help shelter... Well it seems
>I may be the only one making the journey,
>so I now need to un-reserve 7 of the rooms.
>Please contact me off list if you are at
>all serious about bunking in the same
>building as Amphipoda & his lovely Mermaid
>wife. I will transfer a reservation into
>your name and you'll be golden. I will
>totally dump any remaining reservations
>on June 10 2003... the SAME day the AYA
>voting concludes.
>Be well, swim safe.
>'64 Turquoise
>San Diego, CA
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