Every year the Chicago Corvair Enthusiasts host an Orphan car picnic in
Aurora, Illinois. I have attended this event in the past and had a great
time. The picnic attracts orphans of all type and year. (for those of you
who don't know what an orphan car is, it is a car that is no longer made or
the company has folded). The picnic is held on the banks of the Fox River.
If there is enough interest I will pursue this further and make all the
arrangements. The date is August 18th. Let me know what you think. Check out
the web site at http://members.aol.com/orphanauto/
Tim Wick
white 63
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Aurora, Illinois. I have attended this event in the past and had a great
time. The picnic attracts orphans of all type and year. (for those of you
who don't know what an orphan car is, it is a car that is no longer made or
the company has folded). The picnic is held on the banks of the Fox River.
If there is enough interest I will pursue this further and make all the
arrangements. The date is August 18th. Let me know what you think. Check out
the web site at http://members.aol.com/orphanauto/
Tim Wick
white 63
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