Aug. 6-7-8.


Gord Souter

My web site is not very good yet.
I am, just getting out of my houseboat business and will be changing it to
a real AMPHICAR site eventually.But the Aug swim in, is posted in there.
I the years past I have had a hard time get Americans to come to it and I
know the boarder crossing is a ##$%^^ of a nuisance. As I well know but I do
it 2 or 3 times a year to get to American swim ins.We are not printing any
flyers or such this year as it seams a waist if you guys do not come. so
here's the low down.
This weekend, Aug 6-8 is a BIG boating event in the port of Orillia.
Friday night we join the local car club for there weekly meet.
Sat.the Port gives us a nice spot on grass to park. the Boat ramp is cement
3 cars wide with a long boardwalk full of spectators(we get the same crowds
as Mt Dora.)then we spin around all the docked boats(200) all this is in a
very large man made breakwall so its always calm!
Dinner at a local buffet then off to Jeffs cottage on the river for a calm
evening cruse.
Sundays climax it a noon with the cardboard boat race??yea
So mark it on YOUR calendar and try and make it. As a side I can give you a
tour of my Parts basement and restoration shop.And yes I have spare
The wife has my son's friends wedding booked that weekend and unless I get a
good group up I may have to go so come on up.
Canadian 7 amphs/
(Marc you can make a note in your next mag.)

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Eric M


Sounds like a great time. I'll try and manage it although unlikely
to be able to bring a car. The only thing that always scares me in
crossing the border is that my son was born in Ukraine. Having a car
of mixed birthplaces is an automatic pull-over.

I have lots of relative outside Windsor so used to go all the time
for family re-unions. One time I drove my 67 continental
convertible. I was by myself with the top down. They wanted to
search the car. The guy was trying to figure out how to open the
trunk (or is it boot in Canada? I know it is in the UK). He
couldn't figure it out and everytime I tried to tell him he snapped
at me to stay out of the way. His supervisor latter apologizes and I
walked him through the wonder that is the top mechanism of those old
4 door lincolns.

Maybe I can convince Dave to go!!!


--- In, "Gord Souter"
<houseboats@e...> wrote:
> My web site is not very good yet.
> I am, just getting out of my houseboat business and will be
changing it to
> a real AMPHICAR site eventually.But the Aug swim in, is posted in
> I the years past I have had a hard time get Americans to come to it
and I
> know the boarder crossing is a ##$%^^ of a nuisance. As I well know
but I do
> it 2 or 3 times a year to get to American swim ins.We are not
printing any
> flyers or such this year as it seams a waist if you guys do not
come. so
> here's the low down.
> This weekend, Aug 6-8 is a BIG boating event in the port of Orillia.
> Friday night we join the local car club for there weekly meet.
> Sat.the Port gives us a nice spot on grass to park. the Boat ramp
is cement
> 3 cars wide with a long boardwalk full of spectators(we get the
same crowds
> as Mt Dora.)then we spin around all the docked boats(200) all this
is in a
> very large man made breakwall so its always calm!
> Dinner at a local buffet then off to Jeffs cottage on the river for
a calm
> evening cruse.
> Sundays climax it a noon with the cardboard boat race??yea
> So mark it on YOUR calendar and try and make it. As a side I can
give you a
> tour of my Parts basement and restoration shop.And yes I have spare
> bedrooms.
> The wife has my son's friends wedding booked that weekend and
unless I get a
> good group up I may have to go so come on up.
> Canadian 7 amphs/
> (Marc you can make a note in your next mag.)
> ---
> [This E-mail scanned for viruses by Declude Virus]