Appologies, of a sort


Randy Tusone

Hi All,

I appologize if the non-religious message from God
offended. It's spiritual by the way, very, very
different from religion. However, I will remind you
all that if we render ourselves extinct you won't have
any use for your amphicars.

It was just one of those messages that needed to get
out to as many people as possible. No offense meant.



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Mike Dixon

as you will learn here at this site, you have to stick
with amphicar material only, I spouted off one time
and I got roughed up pretty goos by all the regulars.
Only they can give put verbage that doesnt pretain to
amphicars. the rest of us are subject to circumsisiam
or worse mike dixon

--- Randy Tusone <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I appologize if the non-religious message from God
> offended. It's spiritual by the way, very, very
> different from religion. However, I will remind you
> all that if we render ourselves extinct you won't
> have
> any use for your amphicars.
> It was just one of those messages that needed to get
> out to as many people as possible. No offense meant.
> Peace,
> Randy
> __________________________________________________
> Listen to your Yahoo! Mail messages from any phone.


Listen to your Yahoo! Mail messages from any phone.