Another terrific Celina goes down in
history. Special thanks to Gloria Tiller
and our new IAOC board member Mike Bayman
for their heroic efforts in keeping the
events on course despite the heat and rains.
Sure seemed like a fast 4 days to me. Time
flies/swims when you're having fun. To the
mermaids at the Mexican food joint outside
Otterbein ? "Mis zapatoes estan muy appretados."
That Otterbein ride sharing was so fun and
so very appreciated. And parade entries gave
Celina town's folk another awesome show.
Clever costumes too. Also want to thank all
those who gave Mermaid and I rides and/or
loaned us their Amphicar for a swim. A fine
bunch of amphibians indeed. Okay, the black
t-shirts weren't great attire in the 99 degree
heat, but hopefully folks like the artwork
(credit to Brian Crombie) and will wear them
on cool nights under black lights. It's the only
WHITE Amphicar on a t-shirt ever made and it
does look pretty dang cool in my humble opinion.
I'm very relieved that John Bevins (our webmaster
at amphicar.com) will be assuming the helm of
the IAOC presidency at the end of the 2006 year.
Yes, your "lame duck" president/editor has some
family matters to attend to so I must step down
at the end of the year. You'll be in good hands?
err, fins once we get a newsletter editor. (hint?
hint? Ed Price).
Be well, swim safe.
'64 Turquoise
San Diego, CA
history. Special thanks to Gloria Tiller
and our new IAOC board member Mike Bayman
for their heroic efforts in keeping the
events on course despite the heat and rains.
Sure seemed like a fast 4 days to me. Time
flies/swims when you're having fun. To the
mermaids at the Mexican food joint outside
Otterbein ? "Mis zapatoes estan muy appretados."
That Otterbein ride sharing was so fun and
so very appreciated. And parade entries gave
Celina town's folk another awesome show.
Clever costumes too. Also want to thank all
those who gave Mermaid and I rides and/or
loaned us their Amphicar for a swim. A fine
bunch of amphibians indeed. Okay, the black
t-shirts weren't great attire in the 99 degree
heat, but hopefully folks like the artwork
(credit to Brian Crombie) and will wear them
on cool nights under black lights. It's the only
WHITE Amphicar on a t-shirt ever made and it
does look pretty dang cool in my humble opinion.
I'm very relieved that John Bevins (our webmaster
at amphicar.com) will be assuming the helm of
the IAOC presidency at the end of the 2006 year.
Yes, your "lame duck" president/editor has some
family matters to attend to so I must step down
at the end of the year. You'll be in good hands?
err, fins once we get a newsletter editor. (hint?
hint? Ed Price).
Be well, swim safe.
'64 Turquoise
San Diego, CA