Hi, I know I'm new to the list, but I beg to differ with your opinion.
You have a serious business to attend to, as well as having to care for your
Amphi's. No, I'm afraid caring for the Amphighini would be asking way too
much of you. I however, don't even own an Amphicar yet, which, should the
club decide to buy the Amphighini, would leave me in the ideal position of
being able to provide my undivided attention to the care and feeding of this
lonely vehicle. Of course it would be available for any and all Amphi
events, and I'm sure the dues increase to provide such care to the "club
car", so to speak, would be more than offset by the knowledge that I was
providing the vehicle with the best possible home. I can honestly say that
there is no person more ready and willing to make this sacrifice for the
club than I.
Your humble servant,
-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Derer [mailto:dmd@essex1.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 9:01 PM
To: amphicar-lovers@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [amphicar-lovers] amphighini
I think the Club should purchase this Amphighini. I would personally
care for it so it would be ready for regional and national events. Of
course dues would increase slightly but be worth it to me. Torpedos
could be installed in case of mass Geo attacks. Later Dave the soon to
be Canadian Wave.
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