Amphicars Invade North America’s Largest Outdoor Auto Show!

In its 56th year, The Northwood University International Auto Show (NUIAS) continues to be the largest outdoor new car show in North America. Year after year Northwood University students work tirelessly to display over 500 vehicles from 65 manufacturers. Being 100% student run, the show is funded by the generosity of alumni, supporters, friends, and corporations. Show dates are usually near September or October each year.

The unusual aspect of this show is that it runs for 4 days and is totally free to all attendees on the beautiful campus of Northwood University in Midland, Mi. This year, 2 Amphicars were on display in the “Specialty” section of the show. (Where else!) Both cars stayed in the booth from Thursday night until Sunday afternoon!

I spent almost two days in the booth, and as you may expect the Amphicars stole the show. The students learned many facts about the cars and were eager to show them off to all who wandered into the booth. They even filled the bilge and we had a spitting demonstration as the bilge pump emptied the oily contents high into the air.

Also on display was a 1936 Chris Craft wooden cruiser and 5 very large ski & pleasure watercraft. A flat screen monitor played clips of Amphicars entering, cruising & exiting lakes with 1960’s tunes playing for the full effect. Amphicar specification sheets were handed out to visitors who wanted additional information.

On Sunday the former Mayor of Celina, OH and his wife stopped by to visit and talk about how our participation at Grand Lake was such a fun time every year. Small world indeed!

The booth captain was Freshman Elisse Richardson (who, as my daughter, is still the youngest person recorded to ever ride in an Amphicar at the tender age of 46 hours and 12 minutes).

The cars at the show are owned by Ross Noel and his wife Karen of Midland Michigan, and Mark Richardson and his wife Becky of Dexter Michigan. Many may remember Ross’s car as “The Brown Wonder” once owned by “Dave the Wave”, although now sporting a coat of red paint.

No swimming at this show, although we had enough rain over the weekend to qualify as floating in the parking lot. Good thing everything was marine grade!

The Aquatics team booth won two awards for best specialty design and best walk around (overall appeal), so well worth the effort by the students.


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