Bill Connelly
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<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000080">Atttention Web Toed Horde:</font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000080"></font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000080">Please be advised that there is a now a slightly revised and hopefully improved description of the Amphicar's "Power Band" (though that might be a misuse of the word "power")illustrating the theoretical horsepowers of the Amphicar on land and water at a full range of engine speeds at </font><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#0000ff">http://www.amphicar.com/amphicar_horsepower.htm</font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000080"></font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000080">Additionally, there is now an official printable statement from the Club that the Amphicar's horsepower in the water is "9.7 horsepower at 3,500 rpm". Folks might like to print out this statement and stow it in the glove compartment (that's glove "box" to you, David) for any overly-officious Ranger Bob types they may encounter near those bodies of water that limit watercraft to 10 horsepower. This statement can be found directly at </font><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#0000ff">http://www.amphicar.com/WaterHorsepowerStatement.htm</font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000080"></font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000080">That is all.Safe boating and rememberNEVER to engage your water trannies while the wheels are moving. Give that tranny a brake!</font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000080"></font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000080">~Bilgemaster~</font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000080">Atttention Web Toed Horde:</font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000080"></font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000080">Please be advised that there is a now a slightly revised and hopefully improved description of the Amphicar's "Power Band" (though that might be a misuse of the word "power")illustrating the theoretical horsepowers of the Amphicar on land and water at a full range of engine speeds at </font><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#0000ff">http://www.amphicar.com/amphicar_horsepower.htm</font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000080"></font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000080">Additionally, there is now an official printable statement from the Club that the Amphicar's horsepower in the water is "9.7 horsepower at 3,500 rpm". Folks might like to print out this statement and stow it in the glove compartment (that's glove "box" to you, David) for any overly-officious Ranger Bob types they may encounter near those bodies of water that limit watercraft to 10 horsepower. This statement can be found directly at </font><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#0000ff">http://www.amphicar.com/WaterHorsepowerStatement.htm</font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000080"></font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000080">That is all.Safe boating and rememberNEVER to engage your water trannies while the wheels are moving. Give that tranny a brake!</font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000080"></font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000080">~Bilgemaster~</font>