Amphicar radios...



After talking with a rebuild shop today I have decided to stick with the
generator and positive ground. Does any one know of a source for an AM/FM
radio for a positive ground car? Even better would be a CD player. I suppose
this is wishful thinking but I thought I'd ask.
Thanks, Craig
With a foot of fresh snow on the Amphi...

Hello Craig, Hows it going? I installed a neg. gr. radio with cd. and 4
speakers in my 62 . I bought Hughs inverter and it works great. Good luck.
Mark Amsdill from Michigan , 8inches of snow and 15 degrees. Sring is on
its way.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


What did the rebuild shop say that changed your mind about the
negative ground conversion? I'm doing it to two Amphi's. I have the
fuel gauges converted to negative ground already. I'm using Triumph
Spitfire alternators and mounts but, believe me, the GM alternators
are far cheaper. I haven't changed the wiper motor wiring yet since
several people say it doesn't need it but it would be easy to switch
around anyway.

John Friese
White 67
Red 67

--- In amphicar-lovers@y..., "alaskanamphi" <alaskanamphi@g...> wrote:
> After talking with a rebuild shop today I have decided to stick with
> generator and positive ground. Does any one know of a source for an
> radio for a positive ground car? Even better would be a CD player. I
> this is wishful thinking but I thought I'd ask.
> Thanks, Craig
> With a foot of fresh snow on the Amphi...

Re: Re: Amphicar radios...

In a message dated 2/2/02 11:59:31 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

> He mentioned around $85 for a rebuilt unit. If I can get mine rebuilt
> for cheap I'll do that and then do the conversion in the summer when its
> warmer. It's 11 degrees right now...
> Craig

Hi, I think Hugh has them at a lot lower cost than $85. Tommy in Tampa

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


RE: Re: Amphicar radios...

I didn't really change my mind. I'm just putting it off for awhile. The shop
I went to is a European car repair place. A one man band sort of place not
far from where I live. The guy is an MG / Triumph nut. :) He is testing the
generator and going to let me know if it will be cheaper to rebuild or go
new. He mentioned around $85 for a rebuilt unit. If I can get mine rebuilt
for cheap I'll do that and then do the conversion in the summer when its
warmer. It's 11 degrees right now...