Mike Israel
Hi All,
I am sending this on behalf of the International Amphicar-Owners Club
If you have not joined or have not renewed your membership, please do
so today. The list here on Yahoo is not the same as the Amphicar
Owners Club, they are seperate entities. Being a subscriber to the
free Amphicar-Lovers Yahoo Group has no bearing on your status as an
IAOC club member.
The IAOC brings its members a wealth of additional benefits ranging
from a first-class newsletter, technical info available only to
members, sponsorship of various "swim-ins" such as Celina, a cool
annual gift to members, and more. It is $30 dollars well spent.
You can get more info on the International Amphicar Owners Club at
their web site, http://www.amphicar.com
Mike Israel
Amphicar List/Digest Moderator
I am sending this on behalf of the International Amphicar-Owners Club
If you have not joined or have not renewed your membership, please do
so today. The list here on Yahoo is not the same as the Amphicar
Owners Club, they are seperate entities. Being a subscriber to the
free Amphicar-Lovers Yahoo Group has no bearing on your status as an
IAOC club member.
The IAOC brings its members a wealth of additional benefits ranging
from a first-class newsletter, technical info available only to
members, sponsorship of various "swim-ins" such as Celina, a cool
annual gift to members, and more. It is $30 dollars well spent.
You can get more info on the International Amphicar Owners Club at
their web site, http://www.amphicar.com
Mike Israel
Amphicar List/Digest Moderator