Amphicar on British TV


Ed Price

David Chapman may be too modest to point out this link, so here's the Salvage
Squad with a restored Amphi:

<a href="">\

I don't know the date on this episode, so perhaps David can fill us in a bit


El Cajon
67 Rust Guppy

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


I think Clair's comments on the
left side of the article deserve
a mass mailing response! AMPHI
IS NOT UGLY!!! Amphi is cute!
Someone post Clair's email address
and let's give her some not so
subtle hints on our opinion of
her looks.

'64 Turquoise
San Diego, CA

--- In, "Ed Price" <wb6wsn@c...>
> David Chapman may be too modest to point out this link, so here's
the Salvage Squad with a restored Amphi:
> I don't know the date on this episode, so perhaps David can fill us
in a bit further.
> Regards,
> Ed
> El Cajon
> 67 Rust Guppy
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

David Chapman

>Subject: [amphicar-lovers] Amphicar on British TV
>I don't know the date on this episode, so perhaps David can fill us in a
bit further.

It was filmed last year and shown a couple of weeks ago, caused loads of
interest over here. Programme is an hour long and was made in association
with Discovery Channel so will likely be shown over there sometime. Series
is called Salvage Squad. Premis is the car is discovered, restored by
"experts" and then presented back to the owner. The presenter Suggs (80s
English pop star !) works with Clare (the engineer) to find specialists to
restore the car.

Of course it's TV land so much is staged and some completely made up - and
many short cuts. Although car looks good in pictures and just about drives
it needs loads of work before it can be properly used, the good part is they
spent best part of 20K$ on "restoring" it.

I've sent a copy on video to Bilgey as he has the technology to read tapes
created in UK TV format and I also have it on DVD. Hope to arrange a showing
at Celina !

David C

Bill Connelly

[About the recently aired British Channel 4 programme 'Salvage Squad'
featuring David Chapman:] I've sent a copy on video to Bilgey as he has the
technology to read tapes created in UK TV format and I also have it on DVD.
Hope to arrange a showing
at Celina !

David C


Yes, I have the technology. I am omnipotent. Witness my works and despair, O

Actually, my fancy technology happens to be some guy named Duayne.

And yes, I'm itching to throw together that "Jacuzzi and Video Binge" thing
at Celina, if only as a (Lord forfend) patchy weather fallback
of these years. I do keep hauling a selection of tapes north each year, but
thankfully the weather and Margarita gods have decreed that they've never
been necessary. Anyone really chomping at the remote to see Amphis on film
should hunt me down at Celina, OK?

Marc: Maybe an "in the event of patchy weather" fallback item on the Celina
schedule might be in order?
