Amphicar mechanic near Boston


My car was restored over twenty years ago. I have maintained it and it is running strong and looks great. However it is going to need some major work in the future. So my thoughts are engine/tranny out for reseal, new mounts, clutch, and wear items. If you know of a mechanic in the Boston area thats Great, let me know. I'm enjoying my car now but want to set up a work schedule for this fall.
Thanks in advance


No response on Boston mechanic huh. So I guess I will have to pull motor/tranny myself. I know I can do it, I just need some help. Are you guys willing to Help?

I'm going to need parts, help, advice/direction, and a workshop.

I have a heated workshop and most tools. I will need to buy a cheap hoist from Harbor freight or rent one.

I have the new carb from GI. Will also need new motor/tranny mounts, clutch kit, muffler kit, gaskets, and tranny work.

The tranny has me concerned. My water /land seal is leaking oil and I have to decide do I rebuild the whole tranny or just replace seal and drive on. Now would be the time to go through the tranny and I would sub that out. Waiting for the tranny turn around makes me nervous. Who is the tranny expert and how long would it take with shipping etc. What do you guys think about buying a rebuilt and keeping old one for a spare.

The clutch has been slipping in 4th for a while and needs replacement. I know John Freese has passed and Im wondering if his clutch kit is available or what you guys recommend for a standard kit.

For parts I have used Gordens, Gord, Allen, Dave, and local venders over the 20 years of ownership and have had good luck and enjoyed them all.

Help and advice. I want to learn from your mistakes haha. I don't want to screw something up and have someone say "oh ya you should have done it the other way" and have to pull it all apart. Been there many times. So let me know if your willing to help and we can talk.

I look forward to hearing from you all.Thanks

Midwest Amphicar

Worlds Largest Amphicar Destination
No response on Boston mechanic huh. So I guess I will have to pull motor/tranny myself. I know I can do it, I just need some help. Are you guys willing to Help?

I'm going to need parts, help, advice/direction, and a workshop.

I have a heated workshop and most tools. I will need to buy a cheap hoist from Harbor freight or rent one.

I have the new carb from GI. Will also need new motor/tranny mounts, clutch kit, muffler kit, gaskets, and tranny work.

The tranny has me concerned. My water /land seal is leaking oil and I have to decide do I rebuild the whole tranny or just replace seal and drive on. Now would be the time to go through the tranny and I would sub that out. Waiting for the tranny turn around makes me nervous. Who is the tranny expert and how long would it take with shipping etc. What do you guys think about buying a rebuilt and keeping old one for a spare.

The clutch has been slipping in 4th for a while and needs replacement. I know John Freese has passed and Im wondering if his clutch kit is available or what you guys recommend for a standard kit.

For parts I have used Gordens, Gord, Allen, Dave, and local venders over the 20 years of ownership and have had good luck and enjoyed them all.

Help and advice. I want to learn from your mistakes haha. I don't want to screw something up and have someone say "oh ya you should have done it the other way" and have to pull it all apart. Been there many times. So let me know if your willing to help and we can talk.

I look forward to hearing from you all.Thanks
Foldable engine hoists are cheap. Look at market place. Alan Woodcock might be taking over the clutches. Roger recently bought one from eBay. It did ship out with a bit of delay.
I will inspect a customer spare trans. That way if your trans has more issues you can have a back up plan.
You might consider looking for Mobil mechanic. Like the guy that will replace a starter in your driveway type.


I finished all work in 9 days. I have been apprehensive and putting off pulling motor for a number of reasons but finished all work and car is ready for the season. I want to thank everyone that has helped with info, parts, and encouragement.
My car leaked gear oil and it stunk like BO. To add to that it also had a hint of gas and exhaust smell. Clutch slipped, gear oil migrated from water to land tranny, lots of seals needed to be replaced and a overall tune up was in order. Car needed some love.
I prepped my woodshop and got it ready to work on car. Grease and sawdust don't mix well so lots of paper towels to wipe up along the way. Pulled motor by myself and cleaned everything including nasty bilge. Had a helper for the day and changed clutch, land/water seal, driveshaft seals, Input shaft seal and a few other seals. Got the motor back in with all new mounts, new muffler, and all fluids. Figured out and fixed emergency brake cable after being stumped for years, will be nice to have an e brake.
So all that procrastinating and I am finished for now, always something on these old cars.
Thanks again