Amphicar Frame Moisture



I just got some pictures from my body shop on the progress with the
sods blasting. The car is completely striped to bear metal now.
Looking at the photos it is clear that I have some trapped moisture
inside the frame rails that is weeping out on the bear metal. I have
read the posts and seen the photos regarding inspection ports and
drain holes but I'm wondering what I can do to protest the area once
the moisture is out. I have access to ultrasonic inspection equipment
at work and plan to do some scans to see if I have any corrosion
evident. If any of you experts would like to see the photos I have
them in a PDF format.

Craig in Alaska...

John Friese

Hi Craig,

As you might know, I wrote the article on the frame rail problem. In
my cars I sprayed a 3M coating into the frame rails that was designed
for automotive rocker panels. I used a long tubular spray thing and
accessed the inside of the rails through the inspection ports I
drilled in the top of them. If your car runs rather dry, I just leave
the frame rails ports open and let the engine heat dry out any
residual moisture that might get in. If you car runs wet, then I
would use rubber plugs, from your local hardware store, to close up
the rails when in the water.

John Friese
67 White
67 Red

--- In, "Craig" <taylorcm@...> wrote:
> I just got some pictures from my body shop on the progress with the
> sods blasting. The car is completely striped to bear metal now.
> Looking at the photos it is clear that I have some trapped moisture
> inside the frame rails that is weeping out on the bear metal. I have
> read the posts and seen the photos regarding inspection ports and
> drain holes but I'm wondering what I can do to protest the area once
> the moisture is out. I have access to ultrasonic inspection equipment
> at work and plan to do some scans to see if I have any corrosion
> evident. If any of you experts would like to see the photos I have
> them in a PDF format.
> Craig in Alaska...