Amphicar Fatalities Ever?



Was talking with my Dad the other day, and he told me that there was
a guy who died in his Amphicar crossing Lake Michigan a long time
ago (late 70's or so) , and the guy was perhaps the President of an
Amphicar club in the Midwest at the time? rumor at the time was the
top was up on the car when he was trying to cross.

I know its a morbid question, and may already be common knowledge,
but does anyone know if there is truth to the story, or of anyone
else who has perished in an Amphi (on the water)? My Dad had always
stressed that in his opinion, go out only with the top down in case
a wave swamped the car. Of course, our car leaked like a sieve at
the time, and we actually sunk it (1978) in a local lake before we
redid all the bodywork during the restoration, after which it was
fairly watertight. Thank goodness it was only 60 yards offshore in
about 5-6 feet of water. I remember it did attract a big crowd

Eric M

I'm not aware of the details but one of the past presidents did die
while out in his Amphi. But he fell into the water and he couldn't
swim. The person with him couldn't get the car turned and back
before he went under.

I only know because there was a picture of me standing on the front
hood of mine in the water, usual pose, smoking a cigar. Hugh told
me not to do that and told me the story. That was years ago which
is why I can't recall details. I did point out to Hugh that it was
a ver calm day and i'm a very good swimmer - otherwise I'd have
stayed put.

Later that same day I mooned Mr Dave the Wave as I recall ...
luckily no pictures of that.

--- In, "skk0819" <skk0819@y...>
> Was talking with my Dad the other day, and he told me that there
> a guy who died in his Amphicar crossing Lake Michigan a long time
> ago (late 70's or so) , and the guy was perhaps the President of
> Amphicar club in the Midwest at the time? rumor at the time was
> top was up on the car when he was trying to cross.

Mike Israel

The current owner of that car can give you the full story if he so chooses. He
is a list subscriber. Essentially you heard it right.

Sent wirelessly via BlackBerry from T-Mobile.