siet problem update...



Folks, I am very sorry about the problems we are experiencing with the
website. Seems the hosting company ( does not have anyone who
can repair it. I have spent MANY hours trying myself and many more
hours on the phone with them as well. So far they have not made much
progress. As of now (9:34PM) they reloaded the site and took it back
to 8/2003! I hope that they will eventually figure out why this
happens again and again and again and again.......

I can't hardly understand them as they are in India and the accent is
very difficult to understand. I won't even comment on why I call and
they are not at least people in our own country, doing this. No wonder
there are no jobs here in the USA. Outsourcing is NOT the answer,
Thanks W. (no smiley here)

John "A very frustrated, unemployed, job went overseas" Bevins