Amphipoda San Diego
Walked into the garage this morning and there
sitting quietly, expectantly, and with the look
of amphibious lust, were BOTH my beloved
Mermaid & my beloved Amphi. I've been
busier than a one armed cab driver with crabs
these past weeks {ISO & FDA audits and also
turned the BIG 40} and both Mermaid and
Amphi have been giving me those long "well,
how about some quality time" looks. Reckon
I could have my cake and eat it too if I could
convince Mermaid to go for a swim in Amphi.
Only problem is the temperature is not ideal for
you know whom. So I'm faced with the ultimate
decision - which do I please first, Amphi or
Mermaid. Either way I win so I guess a coin toss
will suffice? then again Mermaid has a way of?
well, I won't get into that here. On the other hand
Amphi allows me to get wet with my cloths on.
Hmmmm? Decisions, decisions?
'64 Turquoise
San Diego
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sitting quietly, expectantly, and with the look
of amphibious lust, were BOTH my beloved
Mermaid & my beloved Amphi. I've been
busier than a one armed cab driver with crabs
these past weeks {ISO & FDA audits and also
turned the BIG 40} and both Mermaid and
Amphi have been giving me those long "well,
how about some quality time" looks. Reckon
I could have my cake and eat it too if I could
convince Mermaid to go for a swim in Amphi.
Only problem is the temperature is not ideal for
you know whom. So I'm faced with the ultimate
decision - which do I please first, Amphi or
Mermaid. Either way I win so I guess a coin toss
will suffice? then again Mermaid has a way of?
well, I won't get into that here. On the other hand
Amphi allows me to get wet with my cloths on.
Hmmmm? Decisions, decisions?
'64 Turquoise
San Diego
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a year! http://personal.mail.yahoo.com/