Dave Derer
Put trans in gear and turn engine over by hand. Keep trying. When it
goes in it will be smooth and you will scratch your head wondering why.
Also if you have been bumping the snot out of seal area. Pull axle
assembly out and check for seal spring.
By this Sunday a new Amphi should be sitting on driveway. I can not tell
you how happy Wife was when I showed her the pics. You would think by
now she would stop that question "YOU! PAID! HOW! MUCH !FOR !THAT!?"
But Honey look how nice the seat looks in this blurry picture! " No
lovey cakes it does not have all the parts but I do" "Really I will
finish the list of house and garden projects too." "Yes yes yes and
vacation with your Family." Merry Christmas from Dave The Wave
goes in it will be smooth and you will scratch your head wondering why.
Also if you have been bumping the snot out of seal area. Pull axle
assembly out and check for seal spring.
By this Sunday a new Amphi should be sitting on driveway. I can not tell
you how happy Wife was when I showed her the pics. You would think by
now she would stop that question "YOU! PAID! HOW! MUCH !FOR !THAT!?"
But Honey look how nice the seat looks in this blurry picture! " No
lovey cakes it does not have all the parts but I do" "Really I will
finish the list of house and garden projects too." "Yes yes yes and
vacation with your Family." Merry Christmas from Dave The Wave