Amphi database


Susan Hensley

Hi all!

I have a friend who developed and maintains the International Triumph
Spitfire database, and in just a few years he now has over 8000 Spits

From following his progress over time, the very best database is one

1) Is maintained by ONE person

2) Uses on-line forms to enter/change information (keeps interaction of
maintainer to a minimum)

3) Has several essential fields but doesn't get out of hand (i.e. chrome
valve stem covers vs. plastic)

He has lived through this whole process, and has found the above to be
the ultimate way to keep the database.

I have to agree with him on all counts. And in the case of not being
able to have on-line forms, one email to the maintainer takes care of
all of the changes/updates/info entry.

The address is: for any of you who would
like to see it.

Just my two cents!

Susan Hensley :)

(We get our Amphi in FOUR days! But then we have to restore it...)

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