Amphi and the battle of the bilge



Amphi and the battle of the bilge

Aside from having propellers, the
next most unique aspect of our
Amphicars is the bilge area. A dark,
seemingly haunted, cavity beneath the
seats where lost tools, car parts,
fishing tackle, paint chips, and a
sea of unmixable fluids seep between
chambers. It is a place where only
the strong can survive and the weak
should not venture. A place of hard-
ship and misery that is best compared
to the bowls of a sewer system in an
industrial wasteland. I, your aquious
amigo Amphipoda, have been to the
abyss of Amphi's bilge and have lived
to describe the horror. Although I
have never served in the armed forces...
and I have the greatest respect for all
veterans, I wish to liken my dreaded
bilge exploration recovery process
similar to a form of post war syndrome.
I have battle scars, a terrific infection,
black and blue arms & legs, one eye no
longer focuses, and my mind... oh, my mind
just can't get the images to fade. The
bilge is, at best, an unholy (un-wholy)
place (whopping good pun or what). I
reckon they could have filmed that movie
"Poltergeist" in there. I've also come
to conclude that some of the many solid
artifacts found in the bilge actually
deserve a decent burial, however obtaining
the necessary toxic waste disposal permits
in California is about as easy as my yearly
Amphi DMV registration renewal. Not easy
under the best of conditions. Mind you, I
have only just explored the bilge... and have
yet to actually clean the bastard, (lazy sod
that I am). I know I'm one of the damned...
my Amphi has a really hideous bilge and it's
my fault Amphi is loosing the battle...
The battle of the bilge.

'64 Turquoise
San Diego, CA

PS - To Craig in Alaska: I feel your pain
mate, I've had MONTHS like that before I
got married. Hope the wife & Amphi are OK
and maybe you should switch brands of beer
or someting?


--- In amphicar-lovers@y..., "amphipoda" <Amphipoda@y...> wrote:
> "Poltergeist" in there. I've also come
> to conclude that some of the many solid
> artifacts found in the bilge actually
> deserve a decent burial, however obtaining
> the necessary toxic waste disposal permits

I have actually found spare amphi-parts in my bilge! (or were they
mine that fell off? <joking> )

I encourage everyone to gather the strength and clean the bilge. It
really is not as bad as you might think. With the seats, floor, rear
pads out you can really get in there. I found a power washer to be
most helpful. Once cleaned I repainted.

Now we have a nice, clean, red, shiney and dry bilge. All it takes
is some guts and elbow grease. :)