Alternative to e-bay for selling things


Randy Tusone

Hi All,

If any of you are interested in possibly selling anything on an on-line auction
there is a new site which offers significantly less in fees than e-bay. It's
called America's Auction and is now available. You can reach it through my web
portal at

Please know that if you should use this auction it will benefit someone
financially. Why not make it someone who you know who has similar interests in

Randy and Billy, The Splash King

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]



I tried your link, but I got hit with 7 "Popups" and 3 "leave
behinds" (windows that are left behind after the initial window is
closed), so I think I will pass on using the link in the future. I
get enough of that already.


--- In, Randy Tusone <randy6789@y...>
> Hi All,
> If any of you are interested in possibly selling anything on an on-
line auction there is a new site which offers significantly less in
fees than e-bay. It's called America's Auction and is now available.
You can reach it through my web portal at
> Please know that if you should use this auction it will benefit
someone financially. Why not make it someone who you know who has
similar interests in Amphicars!
> Thanks,
> Randy and Billy, The Splash King
> ---------------------------------
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Randy Tusone

Re: Re: Alternative to e-bay for selling things

Hey John,

Sorry that happened. I will forward the e-mail to market america and see what
they have to say. BTW, there are several different varieties "pop-up" stopper
software out there for free. I have one on my computer at work.

About the calendars, I used MS Publisher to produce them. I scanned pictures
that either I took or people gave me into .tif format so they would be of higher
quality then .jpg files. Did you get one ever? If you did you will have the

Do you need any more information?


a_colo_native <> wrote:

I tried your link, but I got hit with 7 "Popups" and 3 "leave
behinds" (windows that are left behind after the initial window is
closed), so I think I will pass on using the link in the future. I
get enough of that already.


--- In, Randy Tusone
> Hi All,
> If any of you are interested in possibly selling anything on an on-
line auction there is a new site which offers significantly less in
fees than e-bay. It's called America's Auction and is now available.
You can reach it through my web portal at
> Please know that if you should use this auction it will benefit
someone financially. Why not make it someone who you know who has
similar interests in Amphicars!
> Thanks,
> Randy and Billy, The Splash King
> ---------------------------------
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


> Sorry that happened. I will forward the e-mail to market america
and see what they have to say. BTW, there are several different
varieties "pop-up" stopper software out there for free. I have one
on my computer at work.

It's not your fault Randy! I use "Popup Killer" and it seems to work
well. I try to avoid sites that allow them. Sometimes it's not even
the site you are in that provides them. They can be set to go off
later (mostly the "leave behinds").

> About the calendars, I used MS Publisher to produce them. I
scanned pictures that either I took or people gave me into .tif
format so they would be of higher quality then .jpg files. Did you
get one ever? If you did you will have the birthdays.

Yes, I have one from 2 years ago I think. I purchased a calendar
creation software (I don't recall the name) to experiment with.

JPeG files can be high quality photos with lower file size. It really
depends on the print media (photo paper or?), size and print process.

A Tiff is mainly used for high end, high quality print jobs that
utilize a CMYK seperation. For the calendars, a decent JPeG will work
great and have less the file size. IE - A small JPeG of 50K converted
to a .tif is about 1.2Meg (240 times the size). The picture will
print out on most printers exactly identical to the eye. The
difference wil only be apparent in a professional high end print job.

> Do you need any more information?

I think for now I'm full! ;) If you think of anything else, be sure
to let me know!
