Ahoy all Mount Dora Bound members -



I discovered to my dismay that on the Mount Dora Flyer which all of you
recently received with the current Amphicar Newsletter, at the top, it says the

7th Annual Southeast Winter AMPHICAR SWIM-IN

However, near the bottom above the map, it says 2003 !!

Though I doubt any of you will come there NOW in 2003, the date
should have read

March 26-28, 2004 !

I erred, Tommy had it printed and didn't notice it and Marc mailed it out and
we all missed it. Oh well, "to Err is Human," we have all heard and at least
it was an error with no harmfull consequences. I expect a good number of you
noticed it, but none of us on the production and disemmination end did.
Vic "Splash" Nelson

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Marc Schlemmer

--- In amphicar-lovers@yahoogroups.com, nelson625@a... wrote:
> However, near the bottom above the map, it says 2003 !!
> should have read March 26-28, 2004 !
> I erred, Tommy had it printed and didn't notice it and Marc mailed
it out and we all missed it. Oh well, "to Err is Human," we have all
heard and at least it was an error with no harmfull consequences. I
expect a good number of you noticed it, but none of us on the
production and disemmination end did.
> Vic "Splash" Nelson

I don't think that Tommy and I can be included in this
error...because actually, I noticed other errors, too...but all I did
was "stuff 'em". Time didn't allow for anything else. Tommy
received the original well after the newsletter deadline of the 15th
of the month, and put a super rush on them and got the copies to me
on the 24th where they made it into the newsletter after I held up
production waiting for them. I had to stuff the newsletters over
Christmas due to waiting on them. The flyers were so late being
designed and given to Tommy that they were only in his hands, or
mine, for a day or less. Thanks, Tommy and Lynne, for the extra
effort in getting them turned around quickly and shipping them out
overnight! Without that effort, the flyer wouldn't have been sent at
The error that I found that bothers me more is the improper spelling
of Jeani Gordon's name as well as Shellee's name. Spelling or
typographical errors don't bother me much because they are simply
accidents and simple mistakes. Getting peoples names wrong isn't an
accident, it is careless and insulting. I think that people deserve
to at least have others put enough effort into a project to find out
the proper spelling of their name. But again, all I did with the
flyers is stuff 'em. Otherwise, I wouldn't have sent them at all due
to the errors.

Marc Schlemmer.