Re: Re: Ads
In response to Marty's posting below, I can only respond that while we are
well prepared for every eventuality to keep this List alive via the server if ever the need arose, the present "Yahoo!" setup
really is preferable, even with those little banner ads. Apart from the
List service, "Yahoo!" offers lots of other popular file sharing features to
our Group that the plain vanilla and plain text "majordomo"
List setup simply could not least not without a lot of extra
drudge work by me. The List would continue, sure, and that really IS the
primary concern, but that's it: there'd be no more free-for-all upload
center for aerial wide angle shots of Dave The Wave's uvula or scans of
plans for a combination onboard urinal and bilgepump-operated tailgater
repellent system.
With all that said, and credit given to "Yahoo!" where it's due, I really DO
think that the new multiple-nook "Amphi Chat" service
(linked on both and home pages) is
preferable to the Yahoo! offering if only because it carries no dead weight:
no slowing ads, no pre-registration required, one need do nothing but sign
in and chat. Without the drag it's certainly "perkier" than the "Yahoo!"
Group's chat feature and even keeps a running log behind the scenes in case
any session came up with revelations worth saving or reviewing. This new
"Amphi-Chat" service replaces the one that used to be hosted via with a company called "" that suddenly went "dot bomb"
and shut down its free chat service without warning. Folks who've been
meeting Monday evenings in the "Yahoo!" chat room in the interim should
really check out the new "Amphi Chat" service at or .
As for Yahoo! removing the ads from List postings by paying a fee, I see no
such feature offered in their site that would enable this, even if we were
willing to pay, but you are free to research the matter further. If the
banner ads really are a bandwisth-robbing nuisance for anyone, such as if
you have a very very " s l o w " sub-28.8 Kbps dialup
connection that really makes the ad banners drag out mail downloads, then
you might consider changing your Yahoogroups My Groups' "Email Preferences"
to receive plain instead of HTML mail. You will then receive instead of
banner images only smaller plain text ad texts that will load much
quicker...but then you'll miss out on HTML features posted by members such
as links and images. It's a tradeoff.
As for Yahoo! dropping its Groups service, there doesn't seem to be any
threat of this on the horizon, so really everyone can just relax.
Not knowing all the advantages, bells and whistles that
may have over Yahoo-Groups such as the files, photos and chat room,
if Yahoo wants money to remove the ads, why don't we use some of the
dues we give to the club, they can't want all that much.
We are members in other groups within Yahoo, which makes it nice for
moving between groups, and the ads don't bother us as we see such
goings on elsewhere, they seem to be the norm in the E-world these
days. The ads seem to have appeared due to an effort of Yahoo-groups
to pay for their offerings, which is no doubt loosing money.
I believe we should be checking into Mike's offerings and be prepared
to make a quick switch if yahoo decides to drop their groups
division. These are only my thoughts.
Marty in WI
--- In amphicar-lovers@y..., "Marc Schlemmer" <mschlem@a...> wrote:
> The ads really only show up when you read the messages from the
Yahoo! web
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