Acid dipping of Amphicar parts


David C

Anyone any experience of acid (or is it alkaline) dipping of parts such as doors
or even bodyshells ? I know this was popular in the US a few years ago but I
can't recall anyone mentioning it on the list. The idea is that all the old
paint / rust / body filler etc is dissolved away ready for repair and repaint.
I think the problem is getting all of the acid out of the seams, it tends to
seep out and ruin the new paint ?

Failing that has anyone an experience of bead blasting Amphicar panels ? Does it
just bounce off the rubbery underseal on the inside of the doors ?


David Chapman

Larry & Nancy Solheim

I had a '64 dipped in Delta BC. Everything: body, doors, hood, engine
cover, seat & convertible top frames.
Step 1 is acid dip to remove all filler, paint, silicone, greases, etc.
Step 2 is alkaline dip which removes all oxidized metal (also neutralizes
the acid)
Step 3 is low ion water dip for cleaning
Result is a bare, very unprotected metal.

After welding & metal work, etc, they:
1. re-alkaline/water dips (in my case we re-did the acid too, due to a
several year delay in my restoration - to insure all greases were gone)
2. zinc phosphate dip to prepare a primer ready surface. Also gets in all

Except for the VERY heavy rain driving back from Canada after Phase 1 (I
could watch the silver hulk turning yellow in my rear view mirror) it was a
super process. The US/Canadian exchange rate is very favorable also.

My understanding that US EPA regulation is making this a more difficult
process to find.


-----Original Message-----
From: David C []
Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2002 4:16 PM
Subject: [amphicar-lovers] Acid dipping of Amphicar parts

Anyone any experience of acid (or is it alkaline) dipping of parts such as
or even bodyshells ? I know this was popular in the US a few years ago but
can't recall anyone mentioning it on the list. The idea is that all the old
paint / rust / body filler etc is dissolved away ready for repair and
I think the problem is getting all of the acid out of the seams, it tends to
seep out and ruin the new paint ?

Failing that has anyone an experience of bead blasting Amphicar panels ?
Does it
just bounce off the rubbery underseal on the inside of the doors ?


David Chapman

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