About welding.


Bo Strander

Hello over there,
Must agree about the performance of the MIG welders.
Bought my first one 15 years agoo when I started the renovation of my
Triumph TR4. The mistake then was to buy a small hobby welder.
After some years I had the possibillity to try a bigger one and the swop was
done within a day. First advice: Do not buy a welder that is to small!!

The capability for thick sheets is not the most important, but, a bigger
welder also gives you a much smother "ride". It is much easier to make a
nice seem if both currency and wire-feeding is more stable. You can also
weld very thin sheets if the machine is of good quality. My welder is a
140Amp (which was a small pro-machine 12 years agoo) and with some training
you can easy weld sheets of 0,4mm (0,015inch).
Larger welders is normally also equipped with both spot-welding and
intermittent welding wich is very useful when you fill holes or weld close
to heat-sensitive materials.

Also take care when you buy the gas. There are different blendings that
performes very different. Ask your Pro-dealer for advise!

Best of luck
Bo the swede