200+miles 72+mph 13 boat ramps

Midwest Amphicar

Worlds Largest Amphicar Destination
SANY0005.JPGSANY0023.JPGSANY0057.JPGSANY0066.JPGSANY0072.JPGSANY0079.JPG The Allure and I went to Peoria via Illinois river and back roads. Drove over 200 miles hit 13 different boat ramps. Car had no problem on I80 doing over 72 miles per hour. What a blast.
Went to my favorite biker bar just in time for 350 bikes to show up on a poker run. Gave lots of rides. Final destination was a car show in Peoria . They had a burn out contest. I tried but could only get a chirp. Still got a round of applauses for trying. Than drove and floated to Amboy car show where I met up with GrandPa Wave and brother. Another great time.