1990 Amphicar article


B Crombie

Hello Everyone,
Today as I was going through my father's old "Cars & Parts" magazines, I came
across the Feb.1990 issue with a red Amphicar on the cover. Inside was an
extensive, six page, twenty-two photo article written by Bob Stevens. It's a
good article focused around Ken Prenger's (Minster, Ohio) beautiful red '67.
Since it's the time of year that many of you are getting your cars out of
storage (or already have), I thought I'd share with you one particular segment.

"Like any kind of water activity, tragedy can strike at any moment. In fact,
the Amphicar was once represented by an active club of owners, but the
organization disbanded upon the untimely death of it's president, who slipped
off the hood of his Amphicar and drowned. He apparently had never learned to

I've never heard that story until today and can't help but wonder who he was and
what was the other club like to be a member of...things like that. The obvious
moral of the story is swim safe and if you can't swim, learn to. And if you
can't, always wear a PFD (personal flotation devise). In Minnesota, state law
says that PFD's must be accessible. They won't do you any good if they're locked
up in the trunk!

Be safe, don't worry, swim happy!

Brian Crombie
'64 Red Euro-Amphi

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


I heard that story from Hugh Gordon. He saw a picture of me on the
front of my Amphicar and thought it would be instructional. I noted
that I swim very well. There are lots of pictures of me on the hood
at various events floating around. It is very slippery so caution is
advised. I can imagine doing it and not able to swim.


> "Like any kind of water activity, tragedy can strike at any
moment. In fact, the Amphicar was once represented by an active club
of owners, but the organization disbanded upon the untimely death of
it's president, who slipped off the hood of his Amphicar and drowned.
He apparently had never learned to swim."
> I've never heard that story until today and can't help but wonder
who he was and what was the other club like to be a member
of...things like that. The obvious moral of the story is swim safe
and if you can't swim, learn to. And if you can't, always wear a PFD
(personal flotation devise). In Minnesota, state law says that PFD's
must be accessible. They won't do you any good if they're locked up
in the trunk!
> Be safe, don't worry, swim happy!
> Brian Crombie
> '64 Red Euro-Amphi
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]