1967 Tawas Swim-In Invitation From Bearcat Motors!

Lake Huron Swim-In at Tawas

Fitzhugh “Hugh” Prescott & Yusif Barakat from Bearcat Motors formed a local Amphicar Club and invited all members of the Amphicar community to one of the first Amphicar Swim-Ins known, July 28, 29, 30, 1967. Hugh Prescott penned a letter and sent it out to every Amphicar owner they knew in the state inviting them to join the fun.

In beautiful Tawas City, MI on Lake Huron the 3-day swim-in was the same weekend in July as the current national swim-in in Celina. Great choice!

Schedule was Friday Night – Meet at East Tawas State Park at 9:30 PM for a moonlight cruise on Tawas Bay. There was a mystery surprise planned. Saturday – Meet at Tawas State Park at 9:00 AM for a cruise out to Charity Island. Mystery entertainment also promised. Sunday – Meet at Tawas City Yacht Club for parade at 11:00 AM. Side trip to Sand Lake (7 lakes) and scenic river trip on the beautiful Au Sable River. Accommodation with hotel recommendations was planned along with a fishing contest, with prizes & races.

I do not have first hand knowledge if this event actually took place, but the invitation and degree of planning is advanced enough to believe it did. It sounds like a great time and having been to Tawas myself, this would be a great place to have another swim in the future for locals in the area!

More on the adventures of Hugh Prescott are sure to come as we explore the "Bearcat Files" from 1967! (Article from June 21, 1967 Tawas Herald)


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  • June 21, 1967 Tawas Herald.jpg
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