16" snow


Robert Vondracek

My latest Amphicar was sold last week. The buyer elected to use the "buy it
now" on eBay. He also ended up buying my demo NSB trailer. I was supposed to
be on the road Monday to deliver the rig to him in Memphis, Tennessee, but
the weather put a bit of a damper on my plans. Hopefully the roads will be
open on Tuesday.

Before the buyer bought the car, I was negotiating with another prospect.
But before I could get back to the prospect to make arrangements for my "buy
it now" to be adjusted to our agreed price so that he could buy it through
eBay, the buyer purchased it. I legally had to sell the buyer the car. I
could have told him that the car had been sold, but the auction was still
running. He has deep pockets. He could afford to sue me. And I would loose.
That would make for a really expensive hobby.

The prospect that I was working with was not happy. But I promised to find
him an even better car! About 3 months ago, I promised to find a club
member a good tranny, and I did. You saw it on this Lover's digest, but he
had dibbs on it. I keep my promises. History will show that I found lots of
cars in different price ranges for lots of enthusiasts. I will rescue lots
of cars that would continue to sit in the same place, continuing not to be
used. I love putting then into the hands of enthusiasts. I never would have
predicted that all these gear heads were going to help me find Amphis and

I have been into European sports cars for over 35 years. And now with my MS,
I love saying "My sports car days are over". My high performance driving is
not good anymore. But because of my love for cars, I know hundreds of car
guys all over the country. And since I have spent lots of time getting all
their e-mails, my ability to do mass mailings has resulted in lots of Amphi

I love the "Search and Rescue" mode that I am in. It is all about new
adventures and meeting people!. And the more I do it, the more prospects I
get, and the more leads on cars I get. I have about 50 prospects (and 3 good
new ones from the auction), and they all got the word on this latest car
long before I placed it on eBay. Now it is Christmas time, and 2 of my
prospects said "bad timing, my wife would kill me if I bought a project now.
I'll have to wait." Bottom line, my prospects will buy many of the cars that
I find.

NSB Trailer Company, LLC
Robert Vondracek
1003 Woodcrest Court
Valparaiso, IN 46383

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