08 Calendar?

Tommy in Tampa

Amphicar Expert
Hi there,
The Splash King Billy Six was the driving force in past years but I think he was a little ahead of his time, before computer. It was a lot of work and must have not been worth the effort. He, like me, is not a computer guy but I bet if a guy could do it on a computer it could turn a profit. You could sell them on Ebay.
It would be a super gift from the club to its faithful members. A fun thing would be if it ran from July to June, and they were given out at Celina.
Good luck, Tommy in Tampa


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Ron Green

A amphi calendar would be a great gift. It could be composed of action shots from the swim in's, etc.


Thanks guys... I wasn't sure if the club or anyone else was doing one. A few of the local clubs I belong to do these every year and I could get a hold of the people who handle it and look into costs and such. I'd need to figure out something for photos though... Need to find a fair way to do it. I know there are a ton of photos on line at the Amphicar club site but I don't think I can use them with out permission from the club or the car owners. It's a bit late in the year to try to whip this up for a full 08 calendar but a mid year calendar to be given out at Celina is a great idea.

A group I belong to uses there forum poll feature to elect a ride of the month and at the end of the year create a calendar out of it. Each month has a theme. Project cars to pimped out rides and full on restorations.